

In partnership with the European Transport Workers' Federation and International Transport Workers' Federation. The International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) is a democratic, affiliate-led federation recognised as the world's leading transport authority. They are the voice for nearly 20 million working men and women across the world. The European Transport Workers’ Federation (ETF) is a pan-European trade union organisation which embraces transport trade unions from the European Union, the European Economic Area and Central and Eastern European countries. The ETF represents more than 5 million transport workers from more than 200 transport unions and 41 European countries.

在整個COVID-19大流行期間,聯邦快遞-TNT送貨和物流工人一直孜孜不倦地工作。 他們在惡劣條件下將必需品運送到我們家中、醫院和商店,以保持世界運轉。 2021年1月,聯邦快遞-TNT通知歐洲各地工人,他們計劃今年解雇多達6300人,而不是獎勵工人的辛勤工作和貢獻。 該公司曾試圖證明這是聯邦快遞整合到TNT網絡的一部分,但他們的論點並不相稱。 雖然聯邦快遞-TNT一直在誇耀他們在2020年創紀錄的利潤,但他們將工人視為廉價的用後即棄商品。 加入我們,敦促聯邦快遞-TNT尊重他們的一線工人,而不是為肆無忌憚的企業貪婪屠殺他們。聯邦快遞-TNT:立刻停止裁員,並尊重工會和歐洲勞工委員會的適當程序。

kreddington@fedex.com, jaap.haasnoot@fedex.com, etfeurope@gmail.com