

In partnership with BWI (Building and Wood Workers' International), a global union federation that brings together 361 free and democratic unions, representing a total of 12 million members in the Building, Building Materials, Wood, Forestry, and Allied sectors across 115 countries. BWI's core mission is to safeguard and promote workers' rights while enhancing working and living conditions, asserting that trade union rights are inherently human rights, rooted in principles of equality, solidarity, and democracy.

國際建築工人和木工工會( Building and Wood Workers’ International, BWI)和LabourStart緊急呼籲你加入我們的行列,要求國際林業公會 (Forest Stewardship Council, FSC) 撤銷其錯誤的決定,即在軍政府統治下的緬甸維持監管鏈證書並維護FSC認證體系。

儘管軍政府逮捕了26,000多名持不同政見者,並不幸殺害了大約400名工會成員,包括來自緬甸工會聯合會( Confederation of Trade Unions of Myanmar , CTUM)的7人,但令人震驚的是,FSC國際理事會及其秘書處選擇堅持認證。這些針對緬甸獨立和民主工會運動的令人髮指的行為已被廣泛記錄,並得到國際勞工組織調查委員會報告的證實。鑒於這些暴行,FSC仍然決定繼續認證不僅是荒謬的,而且是不負責任的。


k.carstensen@fsc.org p.opanga@fsc.org, r.thuo@fsc.org, m.jessel@fsc.org, s.salvador@fsc.org, z.martinez@fsc.org, c.cheng@fsc.org, s.valintine@fsc.org, e.dzus@fsc.org, p.larsson@fsc.org, m.colchester@fsc.org, l.quevedo@fsc.org, j.narakka@fsc.org, m.asante@fsc.org, c.cardenas@fsc.org, i.namikawa@fsc.org, r.thuo@fsc.org, l.fienberg@fsc.org